WebGLStudio Hands-On

Today we are looking at the game engine/framework combo WebGLStudio, an entirely browser based game engine with a complete visual editor.

Key features of WebGLStudio include:

  • A full 3D graphics engine (LiteScene.js) that supports multiple lights, shadowmaps, realtime reflections, custom materials, postFX, skinning, animation, and much more.
  • An easily extended, component-based system for controlling the rendering pipeline and interaction event hooks
  • An easy to use, what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) editor that provides a single interface for all coding, graph compositing and timeline features.
  • A graph editor for controlling behaviours, shaders and post-processing effects, using LiteGraph.js.
  • Supports the LiteFileSystem.js, a virtual file system that allows drag-and-drop storage of resources on the web, with configurable quotas, users and shared folders.
  • Export and share your work by sending a single link.

The entire technology stack behind WebGLStudio is open source under the MIT license and available on GitHub.  You can learn more about WebGLStudio in the video below.

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