GDevelop 5 Beta 82 Released

GDevelop 5 beta 82 was just released.  GDevelop is a completely open source game engine with a very beginner friendly visual programming language and a complete set of tools for creating 2D games.  A new tool addition this release is integration of a Yarn dialog editor enabling your game to support complex and branching dialogs.

Details on new features from the release notes:

  • The Yarn Dialogue editor is now embedded in GDevelop (thanks @blurymind!). Yarn is a powerful editor allowing to create advanced and dynamic dialogues with multiple choices.

    • When choosing a dialogue to load using the Dialogue Tree actions, you can edit or create a json file containing a dialogue in Yarn format.
    • Read the help page about dialogue trees to learn more about how to use them.
    • See the example “Dialogue Tree with Yarn” to see how to use dialogue actions. You can also try the example online.
  • Improved Shape Painter object with new shapes and advanced features (thanks @Bouh!).

    • Add ellipse, rounded rectangle and star to Shape Painter
    • Add support for other advanced shapes (arc, bezier curves), and shapes composed of multiple shapes.
  • Various new smaller features:

    • Add condition to check for WebGL support (thanks @Wend1go!)
    • Add “Scene just resumed” condition (thanks @Wend1go!)
    • Add menu item to extract events into a new group (thanks @Bouh!)

Be sure to check out the complete release notes for a full list of improvements and changes in this release.  If you are interested in learning more about GDevelop be sure to check out our hands-on video below.

GameDev News

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