New Unity Technology Available Today

Unity just wrapped up their GDC 2019 keynote and several new technology previews are now available.  A number of new technologies and downloads were announced during the keynote and they are listed below.  Some appear to still require registration to access, which hopefully is changed shortly or just a quirk of timing.

Game Foundation

A set of pre-built systems common to mobile games, need to apply for early access however.

AR Foundations

Preview access to the new AR (augmented reality) boilerplate projects, including HDRP assets converted to LWRP for use in testing AR titles, as well as AR Remote, allowing you to pull data from a devices camera into Unity editor.

Unity Burst Compiler

A key part of the Unity DOTS (Data-Oriented Technology Stack) will be part of Unity 2019.1, with a new version of the Burst compiler available now.

Unity MegaCity

Full assets of the MegaCity demo have been released today.  It’s a 7.1GB download, so start now before bed!

Unity Physics

In partnership with Havok, Unity have created a new physics system, with the Unity physics portion available now and the Havok system coming in Summer.  Although released today, I do not have a URL and will edit when I receive one.

All of the above URLs are those listed in the GDC keynote for the respective technology as “available today”.  If the URLs are not yet active, please try again shortly.  If the urls change I will edit the values shortly.  Watch the video below for a 12 minute version of the Unity 2019 GDC conference.

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