Splash Damage Release Dirty Body Design Doc and Art Book Free

Originally devised as a series of backer rewards for the crowd funding of the game Dirty Body, Splash Damage Studio just released the design document, art book and complete soundtrack for free for everyone.

Details of the release from the Dirty Bomb website:

Many moons ago, prior to the rise of Kickstarter, we launched a crowdfunding campaign for Dirty Bomb. Three of the rewards, Dirty Bomb’s Game Design Document, Artbook and Original Soundtrack were promised at the full release of the game to the people who pledged money to support the title during that campaign, our ‘Founders.’

We’ve spoken with our Founders and they respected our wish to make those three things available to everyone.

So here they are.

The Design Document is a 315pg PDF file and can be downloaded here.

The art book is a 59 page PDF file that can be downloaded here.

While the soundtrack is a zip file that can be downloaded here.

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