Armory Game Engine Patreon Problems

Right now if you go to the Armory game engine Patreon page you are great with:image

This engine was recently open sourced because it hit the Patreon goal of $1,600 a month.  Development seemed to be proceeding nicely and everything was going swimmingly well, until this happened.  Not only is this message displayed, it seems Patreons are being refunded, potentially every single contribution going back to day one.  The following appeared on the Armory forums:


There are several other “me too” type comments in this thread.  There are no further details from Armory, Lubos the lead developer, nor Patreon.  I will update here if such an update occurs.  Hopefully the Armory engine is ok, I’m pretty excited by it.  In fact, I’ve done a full tutorial series!

EDIT – UPDATE, Lubos, the project creator just made the following tweet:


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