ARCore Developer Preview 2 Released

Google have just released the second preview version of ARCore, their augment reality SDK.  Augmented reality is really nothing new, it’s just bringing together camera, GPS, gyroscope and similar libraries in a single location, enabling developers to overlay information on real worldARCore images.

Details of this new release:

Today, we’re releasing an update to our ARCore Developer Preview with several technical improvements to the SDK, including:

  • A new C API for use with the Android NDK that complements our existing Java, Unity, and Unreal SDKs;

  • Functionality that lets AR apps pause and resume AR sessions, for example to let a user return to an AR app after taking a phone call;

  • Improved accuracy and runtime efficiency across our anchor, plane finding, and point cloud APIs.

To learn more about the SDK updates, check out the Android, Unity, and Unreal Github pages.

Along with the updated preview for Android, they also released updated Unity and Unreal Engine implementations.

Related to the ARCore announcement, Google also killed off Project Tango a competing AR project at Google.

The Tango project will be deprecated on March 1st, 2018.
Google is continuing AR development with ARCore, a new platform designed for building augmented reality apps for a broad range of devices without the requirement for specialized hardware.

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