LÖVE 0.10.2 Released


LÖVE is a popular Lua powered cross platform 2D game engine.   Its an accessible framework that I highly recommend to beginners, in fact it’s the framework I used for my GameDev For Complete Beginners tutorial series.  They just released a new version, 0.10.2, which is a relatively minor update.  One of the changes is the release of lovec.exe on Windows, which includes a command line console if one isn’t already present, a handy feature for debugging.


Other changes and fixes from the change log:

  • Deprecated undocumented Shader:sendTexture, Shader:sendMatrix, Shader:sendInt, Shader:sendFloat, and Shader:sendBoolean methods.
  • Fixed love on iOS 6.
  • Fixed os.execute always returning -1 on Linux.
  • Fixed the love.lowmemory callback to call collectgarbage() after the callback has fired, instead of before.
  • Fixed love.math.noise(nil) to error instead of returning nil.
  • Fixed an occasional crash when a Thread ends.
  • Fixed a hang at the end of video playback with some video files.
  • Fixed the video decoding thread to not do any work when there are no videos to decode.
  • Fixed love.graphics.newVideo(file) to no longer error if love.audio is disabled.
  • Fixed a rare bug in Source:play for streaming Sources if the associated OpenAL source object was previously used for a static Source.
  • Fixed corrupted Font glyphs in rare cases.
  • Fixed stencils inside Canvases on some OpenGL ES 2 devices.
  • Fixed an OpenGL error in OpenGL ES 3 when multiple render targets are used.
  • Fixed love.window.setMode crashing when called with a Canvas active.
  • Fixed love.window.maximize to update the reported window dimensions immediately.
  • Fixed gamma correction of ImageFonts and BMFonts with colored images.
  • Fixed the default shader improperly applying gamma correction to per-vertex colors when gamma correction is requested but not supported on OpenGL ES.
  • Fixed text coloring breaking because of an empty string.
  • Fixed large burst of particles when dramatically increasing the emission rate of a ParticleSystem.
  • Fixed SpriteBatch:setBufferSize to keep old sprite data if it can fit.
  • Fixed MouseJoint:getBodies unconditionally erroring.
  • Fixed memory leak in Text:set.
  • Fixed incorrect kerning caused by using kerning information for the wrong character in some fonts.
  • Fixed ImageData:setPixel, ImageData:getPixel, ImageData:mapPixel, SoundData:setSample, and SoundData:getSample to properly handle non-integer coordinates.
Other changes
  • Improved performance of Channel methods by roughly 2x in many cases.
  • Improved performance of Shader:send when small numbers of arguments are given.
  • Updated love.filesystem.mount to accept a DroppedFile as the first parameter.
  • Updated Shader:send to do type and argument checking based on the specified uniform variable’s information instead of the arguments to the function.
  • Updated Shader:send to accept a flat table for matrix uniforms.


Love is free and open source, available for download here.

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