New CocosStudio, Cocos2d-html5 and Cocos2d-x releases today


There are a new set of coordinated releases to the Cocos2d-x family of game development libraries and tools.  The changes include:



  • UI editor for UI graphic artists
  • Animation editor for graphic artists
  • Data editor for game data designers
  • Scene editor for game designers




  • Improved Sprite, Node, LabelTTF class, now it is clean and clear
  • Added a new sample game Fruit Attack which works great on PC browsers, mobile browsers, and can even be run natively as an android and iOS app with JSB
  • Replaced cc.Sprite and its subclasses’s texture from DOM element to cc.Texture2D on Canvas mode,
  • Improved cc.Texture2d. Now you don’t need to wait for loading resources when creating a new scene or layers. Textures will pop up when they are loaded
  • Improved the update function of Actions. Now Action objects use less temporary objects, making it better for GC performance.
  • Improved LabelTTF rendering pipeline. Now it caches the result which is 100% faster on mobile browser
  • Fixed API compatibility between Cocos2d-html5 and JSB: cc.ParticleSystemQuad has merged intocc.ParticleSystem. For more info, please read Upgrade guide v2.1.5 to v2.2
  • Added Auto Hiding url address bar for mobile browsers. Please refer to the template and the Hello World for examples
  • Added frame event, collider and blend type supporting for Armature. Now Armature supports 2 tools: 1.CocoStudio, 2.DragonBones
  • Set auto render mode $Default value$ to canvas for mobile browsers and WebGL for desktop browsers



  • Initial version of Windows8 and WinPhone8 port
  • Supported the first stable version of CocoStudio v1.0.0.0
  • Added CocoStudio GUI
  • Almost no differnce between JSB and cocos2d-html5 v2.2
  • Lua binding supports CCTableView and CCScrollView



The Cocos2d-html5 project also released a new sample game, Fruit Attack:



You can play it in your browser here.


You can read the official announcement here.  Or head on over here to download.


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