Humble Unity Game Development Bundle–Featuring GameDev.Tv

There is a new Humble Bundle of interest to game developers, specifically Unity game developers.  This is the Humble Unity Game Development Bundle, and it consists of a collection of Udemy courses by, mostly on the subject of Unity, although a few other topics such as Git and Blender are also covered.  As always the bundle is organized into tiers, where if you buy a more expensive tier, you get all of the content at the lower tiers. 

The tiers in this bundle consist of:

1$ Tier

  • How to Get A Job in the GameDev Industry
  • Finish It! Motivation and Processes for Game & App Development

20$ Tier

  • Locked content Blender Environment Artist
  • Git Smart: Learn Git The Fun Way With Unity Games

25$ Tier

  • Complete C# Unity Developer 3D
  • RPG Core Combat Creator
  • Complete C# Unity Developer 2D
  • Locked content Unity 3D Game Kit – Make Games Without Coding

All contents in the bundle consist of Udemy product keys, so you need to have a Udemy account and you have to redeem the keys within a year of purchasing.  As always you can decide how your money is allocated, between Humble, the publisher, charity and if you so choose (and thanks if you do!) to support GFS.  The bundle is available here, you can learn more by watching the video below.

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