Unreal Engine 4.11 Preview 3 Released


Unreal have released another preview release of Unreal Engine, this release is 4.11 preview 3.

The release has the following fixes:

Fixed! UE-24810 Exponential Height Fog is not working
Fixed! UE-25137 Linux platform does not appear in Windows Binary
Fixed! UE-24260 Crash launching on Nexus 5 running 4.4.2
Fixed! UE-24132 HLOD crash when reopening a level
Fixed! UE-25070 Crash when overriding an animation in a child Anim Blueprint and then undoing
Fixed! UE-24403 First Person Template character no longer follows HMD rotation in VR
Fixed! UE-24714 Graphic corruption loading particles on Mac
Fixed! UE-24789 iOS Platform not found when packaging
Fixed! UE-24716 Crash occurs selecting to open Session Frontend or UFE on Mac and Linux
Fixed! UE-25268 bUsePawnControlRotation not working with VR
Fixed! UE-25057 Text variable types in BP Structure cause crashes
Fixed! UE-25352 Crash when loading ‘GDC_KiteCine_Map’ sublevel of GDC_Landscape01 in KiteDemo
Fixed! UE-24736 r.UseShaderPredraw needs to be reenabled
Fixed! UE-25424 Text shaping doesn’t work on the Mac
Fixed! UE-25407 Remove unneeded reformatting of clang error output
Fixed! UE-25371 Loc is gathering from transient properties and objects
Fixed! UE-25322 Setting SupportedAgent’s NavigationDataClass in Project Settings does nothing.
Fixed! UE-25128 Error when AT_MaterialFunction asset is opened
Fixed! UE-25115 No assets are created for static meshes in the level when generating LODs
Fixed! UE-25050 SideScroller2D BP and Code player can fall off sides of the map
Fixed! UE-24974 Baked shadows from static meshes that fall on dynamic objects cause artifacts with instanced stereo on
Fixed! UE-25372 Font cache can crash if the culture is changed mid-frame
Fixed! UE-25016 Custom Depth not rendering with mesh unless it’s selected.
Fixed! UE-25035 Vehicle Code and BP templates have a missing texture
Fixed! UE-25204 Shader Complexity view mode not rendering correctly
Fixed! UE-25041 Landscape content has assets saved with empty engine version
Fixed! UE-22839 Custom Component Being Added to Wrong Target Blueprint
Fixed! UE-25361 UE4 Prereqs MSI does not install MSVC++ 2015 Runtime
Fixed! UE-25109 Player spawn point is incorrect in Third Person and First Person code template
Fixed! UE-23717 Ensure removing an implemented interface when transfering functions
Fixed! UE-25338 Crash playing level sequence after changing blueprint material
Fixed! UE-22845 Trigger Volume Blocks First-Person Template Projectile
Fixed! UE-22910 World Context Object Pin Appears on Nodes After Refresh
Fixed! UE-25498 Crowd simulation state is not set correctly

While also having the following known issues:

UE-25646 Can’t interact with the Blueprint_Mouse_Interaction content example
UE-25644 First Person BP and Code gun has odd rotation
UE-25633 ContentExamples’ NetworkFeatures map opens with Blueprint warnings
UE-25632 Asset produces error “Failed import for object property” upon loading editor
UE-25630 ContentExamples’ Matinee map opens with PIE warnings
UE-25626 Asset with child actor component (documentation actor) crashes upon level load
UE-25625 Failing to compile will cause blueprint variables to reset to their default values
UE-25611 Disable writing NoOBBInstall batch file
UE-25605 ContentExamples’ Math Hall map opens with Blueprint compiler warnings
UE-25599 [CrashReport] Auto-Convex Collision Generation crashing with specific Mesh
UE-25593 UnrealHeaderTool does not detect program plugins enabled by default
UE-25575 Long Google Play App ID can cause an invalid error
UE-25573 ContenExamples’ LevelScripting map opens with Blueprint warnings
UE-25571 Can’t Launch On or Package code templates on iOS
UE-25560 ContenExamples’ Cloth map opens to SkeletalMesh warnings
UE-25553 Cinematic camera broken in Infiltrator
UE-25549 Closing Editor Crashes in OpenGL
UE-25548 Project Launcher Crashes in OpenGL
UE-25543 Actors that are scaled too small have incorrect collision responses
UE-25529 ContenExamples’ BlueprintSplines map opens with blueprint warnings
UE-25524 ContenExamples’ Audio map opens to missing NodeGuid warnings
UE-25521 Editor font doesn’t render Arabic glyphs
UE-25520 The new BP gather method is ignoring non-root level BPs
UE-25507 Vehicle Advanced Template’s dashboard view camera on ground in VR
UE-25506 Vehicle Template’s dashboard view camera on ground in VR
UE-25502 Major artifacts in Shootergame bullet decals
UE-25495 Lots of Warnings for Kite demo when building via EC for the Launcher
UE-25493 Kite demo and Tappy CHicken fail to build via EC: Assertion failed: NewProperty [File:BuildFarmbuildmachine_++UE4+Release-4.11EngineSourceEditorKismetCompilerPrivateKismetCompiler.cpp] [Line: 665]
UE-25479 Unable to package a BP project for Linux missing UE4Game binary
UE-25477 BlueprintOffice has missing NodeGUID warnings on open
UE-25474 Callstacks are not properly written within a clients logs after a crash has occured
UE-25451 Construction script on child actor components not respected in PIE
UE-25444 SceneCapture(HDR) malfunctions on Mali devices.
UE-25433 UFE: HTML5 custom on the fly deployment stalls when trying to connect in Firefox.
UE-25422 Actor loses and regains net relevance, replicated references to it not handled correctly
UE-25411 Tappy Chicken does not display a numerical score on iOS
UE-25387 First Person projects packaged in Shipping for HTML5 constantly rotate upwards
UE-25383 UFE: Unable to deploy content to Android_ETC1 in custom profile. It stalls at the deploying stage and goes on indefinitely.
UE-25377 Spinning logo in Blueprint_Communication map is the incorrect size
UE-25355 Polygons are black in KiteDemo levels
UE-25352 Crash when loading ‘GDC_KiteCine_Map’ sublevel of GDC_Landscape01 in KiteDemo
UE-25334 Tessellation no longer working in 4.11 Preview 2
UE-25333 Mac project packaged in Shipping does not have a UE4 icon
UE-25328 Rendering artifacts when hovering over menu buttons on AMD card
UE-25323 Opening a project that contains an actor in viewport with a child actor component of type TextRenderActor crashes the editor
UE-25315 Improve code practices in Match3
UE-25313 iOS crash on launch on some devices
UE-25272 IHeadMountedDisplay Crash
UE-25267 Crash in IHeadMountedDisplay::ApplyLateUpdate
UE-25266 HTML5 packaging code project fails could not verify LLVM version
UE-25257 Mac HTML5 project crashes upon downloading expression HasFoundDataDirectory failed
UE-25235 Collision volumes don’t keep their color in cooked game
UE-25233 Unable to add Chrome as a platform in the HTML5 SDK option. This prevents launching a project in Chrome.
UE-25214 LaunchOn for Firefox fails during the downloading of packaged data.
UE-25199 Crash when using +CVars=r.MobileContentScaleFactor=2
UE-25150 iOS build failure in 4.11 preview 1
UE-25147 ASTC textures with alpha channel corrupted by -alphablend optioion
UE-25146 Crash occurs texture painting on Mac with Metal
UE-25143 Crash occurs opening level sequence assets in QAGame
UE-25129 Crash occurred painting on landscape sublevels with Retopologize tool
UE-25123 Mac Editor Freezes after connecting and disconnecting a mobile device
UE-25118 Retopologize tool does not line up with cursor
UE-25111 Signal 11 error when closing project on Linux
UE-25097 TextureSampleParameter2D ignored in PostProcessMaterial
UE-25093 Landscape tool switches to Manage New Landscape when hiding a level with landscape mode open.
UE-25069 [CrashReport] Editor crashes if pointlight is added to level on El Capitan
UE-25065 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Persona!FPersonaMeshDetails::IsSectionSelected() [personameshdetails.cpp:1179]
UE-25025 Undoing a change to equation of Math Expression node breaks output link
UE-25021 Project Thumbnail is distorted on Mac
UE-25015 Separate Translucency disabled in the Project Settings will not render asset
UE-25014 Persona viewport flickers when viewing a skeletal mesh on Nvidia driver 361.43
UE-25011 Crash when selecting a revision with the Blueprint Diff Tool
UE-25006 Merge bug fix for Vertex Colors in UI Materials into 4.11
UE-24994 Character is discolored and has a square shadow on Galaxy S5
UE-24993 Color Picker closes when selecting color in the Level Details Panel in a Blueprint actor
UE-24992 Undo not stepping back properly when the UMG widget is added to a sequence
UE-24968 Double clicking a widget will cause details properties to disappear
UE-24967 Integrate D3D12 update from MS
UE-24959 “Send and Restart” brings up the Project Browser
UE-24954 Enabling wifi while a game is running causes the device to freeze or crash
UE-24948 First Person template has odd reflections on the Galaxy S3 Mali
UE-24913 RecieveTick_Copy not working – Should not be able to make event copies
UE-24908 Cloth crash when changing frequency to 0
UE-24878 Crash when Converting 4.10 Project to 4.11 possibly related to Oculus Config Utility
UE-24843 Project launcher splash does not disappear after project opens on Linux
UE-24833 Crash undoing the adding of a Child Actor Component
UE-24822 Widget must be selected twice to transform newly added components in the blueprint viewport
UE-24813 Skylight Indirect lighting Intensity has no effect
UE-24793 iPadPro uses wrong resolution
UE-24792 Blocky terrain artifacting on iPadPro
UE-24757 Editor crashes when exiting and having a widget blueprint open.


For those of you that like to walk on the wild side, the preview release can up downloaded using the Epic Games Launcher.

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